Erste Einzelausstellung - Universidad Panamericana, Zentralgebäude, Campus Guadalajara, Mexiko

Diese Ausstellung enthält Raquel-IAs eigene Werke plus zehn Werke, die in Zusammenarbeit mit lokalen Künstlern entstanden sind, und eine kleine Auswahl der eigenen Werke der Künstler, verteilt auf drei Stockwerke. Die Dauer ist vom 24. März bis 22. Mai 2022. Für weitere Einzelheiten zu den Werken, die in dieser Ausstellung erscheinen, zur Erwerbsmöglichkeit oder zu neuen Aufträgen, senden Sie bitte eine E-Mail an: oder WhatsApp: 33 3955 4580 Nachfolgend Fotos der Eröffnungsveranstaltung. Die Galerie, das Profil und weitere Details der Ausstellung finden Sie auf der von der Universidad Panamericana bereitgestellten Microsite hier .


Grand opening including local artists and Raquel-IA team members.

Lord of the Rings

Dr. Ignacio Acosta giving the opening speech.


Ribbon-cutting at the grand opening.


Ground floor on the right during the opening.

Lord of the Rings

View from the right hand side of the collaborative collection produced between Raquel-IA and local artists.


View from the left hand side of the collaborative collection produced between Raquel-IA and local artists.


View of some of the visitors present at the opening ceremony.

Lord of the Rings

View of the first and second floors of the Central builing during the opening ceremony.


Central building, view of the seocnd floor where the collaborating artists' artworks are displayed.


Local artists Ana Torres Villarreal, Roberto Morleghem & Feng.

Lord of the Rings

Lewis Kant showing the Raquel-IA artwork he embellished.


"Metamorphosis" produced by Raquel-IA in response to a passage from the The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran.


Collaboration between Raquel-IA and the UP student Andrea de Alba.

Lord of the Rings

At the entrance of the central building on the right we can see these eight artworks.


At the entrance of the central building on the left we can see these eight artworks.


Central building, first floor houses 9 collaborative artworks produced between Raquel-IA and local artists.


Central building, first floor houses 9 collaborative artworks produced between Raquel-IA and local artists.


Central building, first floor houses 9 collaborative artworks produced between Raquel-IA and local artists.


Some examples of collaborative artworks produced by Raquel-IA and UP students (1).

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Some examples of collaborative artworks produced by Raquel-IA and UP students (2).

composite 2

The central building currently houses on the second floor a small collection of the collaborating artists' own work.

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